Release Notes for Pitch pRTI v OVERVIEW: This fixes issues related to C++ samples, improvments in log messages and improved error messages for better diagnostics. NEW FEATURES: 01. Improved exception message when join fails due to return value timeout. 02. Different messages for different forms of forced resign (heartbeat, operator-initiated, lost connection). 03. Always put 'name' in event log name column in event log. 04. Include text '(NNs since last heartbeat)' in heartbeat event log messages. BUG FIXES: 01. Fixed installer bug which prevented Windows C++ samples from starting correctly, instead giving errormessage about "missing jvm.dll". ################################################################################ Release Notes for Pitch pRTI v OVERVIEW: This fixes issues related to multicast, adds Visual Studio 2015 C++ libraries for HLA 2000 API. NEW FEATURES: 01. Support MS Visual Studio 2015 for HLA 2000. 02. Add automatic dignostics for long join times. 03. GUI Button 'Resign Federate' renamed to 'Eject Federate'. 04. 'Eject Federate' always generates connectionLost callback. 05. Federate removed by heartbeat gets connectionLost callback. BUG FIXES: 01. Return lease to License Server when CRC shuts down. (case 17436) 02. Loss of multicast messages after 64K messages. (case 17459) 03. Receive-order timestamped interaction didn't use multicast. (case 17459) 04. Intermittent stacktrace on socket shutdown during high network load. (case 17076) 05. Accept 'NA' as dimension reference in FOM as alterantive to empty list. (case 17300) ################################################################################ Release Notes for Pitch pRTI v OVERVIEW: This adds support for MS Visual Studio 2015 and also contains performance improvements for DDM services. NEW FEATURES: 01. Support MS Visual Studio 2015 02. Improved performance when using HLA Data Distribution Management (DDM) services BUG FIXES: 01. Fixed a bug preventing the "test" button for license server connections to work in the CRC settings editor (case 16392) 02. Fixed a bug with licenses from License Server that expired after 48 hours (case 16633) 03. FIX: Exception 'Object already registered' when registering instance after restore (case 16715) 04. FIX: In some cases, evokeCallback failed to deliver pending callback until triggered by incoming update (case 17019) 05. FIX: NoClassDefFoundError for application that uses Google gson classes (case 16897) OTHER CHANGES: 01. Dropped support for GCC 4.0 on Mac OS X 02. Dropped support for PPC architechture on Mac OS X ################################################################################ Release Notes for Pitch pRTI v OVERVIEW -------- This is a release that adds support for Pitch Floating License Server. NEW FEATURES ------------ 01. Support for Pitch Floating License Server 02. Remember setting for 'Open Message Windows Automatically' 03. Bundled JRE upgraded to 8u60 BUG FIXES --------- 01. Provide useful error message in RTIexec when booster jar is missing from classpath 02. Use asyncRegister for registerObjectInstanceWithRegions 03. Throw exception if encoded size is larger than buffer (case 15882) 04. Case 15878. Incorrectly formatted version mismatch message. 05. Case 15858. Exception on 'gui' command if CRC started with -nogui flag ################################################################################ Release Notes for Pitch pRTI v OVERVIEW -------- This is a maintenance release which contains an important bug-fix for users of the HLA 1516-2000 DLC C++ API. BUG FIXES --------- 01. Fix of a bug in the HLA 1516-2000 DLC C++ API, which could cause an exception NoSuchMethodError: se.pitch.prti1516.TimeMapper.getTimeInfoForClassic (case 15798). ################################################################################ Release Notes for Pitch pRTI v OVERVIEW -------- This is a maintenance release which contains a couple of important bug-fixes for users of the HLA 1.3 C++ API and users of older Java 6 versions. NEW FEATURES ------------ 01. Upgraded code signing certificate for Windows binaries. BUG FIXES --------- 01. Fixed a bug in install script which made 32-bit Windows sample applications run with the wrong JRE. 02. Fix of a bug in the HLA 1.3 C++ API, which could cause a crash in certain callbacks caused by a misssing method (case 15697). 03. Removed incorrect check for classes from the jgl3.1.0 library which is no longer used, but caused a false error message (case 15754). 04. Fixed a bug which could cause no longer existing federates to still be visible in the pRTI Explorer tree view (case 11569). 05. Workaround for a bug in Java 6 update 26 and older that causes hotspot crash or ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when sending best-effort data (case 15535). ################################################################################ Release Notes for Pitch pRTI v OVERVIEW -------- This version has several performance improvements, such as improved time management performance when using bundling. It also contains several minor improvements and convenience features and bug fixes. NEW FEATURES ------------ 01. The LRC Settings override panel now supports URLs as FOM override values (case 13584) 02. Pitch Control Center now shows the current version in the tray icon right-click menu, and has a button for checking for updates (case 14030). 03. Pitch Control Center now automatically refreshes the displayed IP-addresses in case addresses change on the host (case 14033). 04. C++ builds for clang5, gcc4.x on Mac OS X now have -O2 option enabled. 05. Improved time management performance when using bundling (case 14029). 06. Federates within the same process now use a more optimized method for best-effort traffic. 07. Optimized automatic UDP port selection. 08. Detect and report TCP port conflicts caused by JDK6 with mixed all/specific adapter. 09. When sending UDP (best effort traffic), use remote address of TCP connection rather than advertised UDP address (which may be wrong adapter and inaccessible). Disable with LRC.useTcpAddressForUdp=false 10. Detect and avoid UDP port conflicts by testing reachability. 11. The CRC does not go to offline mode if port 8989 is already bound. 12. Parallel connect speeds up connection when federate advertises unreachable addresses. 13. New federate panels in CRC GUI: Declarations, DDM, Advanced, for improved insight. 14. Catch and report Throwable as well as Exception from callbacks in Immediate mode. 15. Improved layout of LRC Settings application. 16. Separate adapter and blacklist setting for Booster mode. 17. Heartbeat on by default. 18. Support for Web View passphrase. 19. LRC version check at connect-time, default setting is to reject mismatched version. 20. FOM Modules panel has buttons to export FOM modules and merged FOM. 21. Improved network presets 22. Better error message for network error caused by Java version mismatch. BUG FIXES --------- 01. Minor bug fixes on C++ encoding helpers. 02. The trace settings editor now creates a default settings directory in case no such exists (case 13731). 03. '#' characters are now accepted in FOM file names (case 13555). 04. Supressed unwanted stack trace printout when invalid FOM URL passed to C++ API (case 14077). 05. The LRC now ignores unknown subscribing federates if such exists. 06. Fixed ArryIndexOutOfBoundsException in the C++ getRangeBounds-call. 07. FOM module file names are now saved as strings in CRC event log. 08. Fix: provide HLAtimeStamp parameter in HLAreportFederateLost MOM interaction 09. Fix: only send HLAreportFederateLost if uncontrolled disconnect. 10. Fix: throw DesignatorIsStandardMIM when appropriate. 11. Fix: Reject merging of update rates with the same values. 12. Fix: Joining federate only sends HLAcurrentFDD is FDD has changed. 13. Fix: post-restore federate id was always equal to pre-restore federate id in federate restore report. 14. Fix: Apparent memory leak caused by native buffers not reclaimed until GC 15. Fix: evoke returned immediately if callbacks disabled 16. Fix: Deadlock involving evoke and resign 17. Fix: Array index out of bounds on queryFederationSaveStatus after restore. 18. Fix: Failed LRC startup could leave dead federate in Control Center list (case 15090). 19. Fix: Encoded handles always in network byte order 20. Fix: CRC doesn't start in service mode if settings file missing 21. Fix: Obsolete federates in GUI after restore UPGRADE NOTES ------------- 01. This version requires upgrading all LRC:s connecting to the same CRC. 02. We recommend uninstallation of pRTI Evolved v 4.x prior to installing this version, due to the reorganization of the library and sample directories. 03. The Web View server is now installed separately. ################################################################################ Release Notes for Pitch pRTI v OVERVIEW -------- This maintenance release does not only fix a set of bugs, but also adds support for MS Visual Studio 2013 (Visual C++ 12.0) and support for Clang 5 on Mac OS X. It also contains some other, minor improvements. NEW FEATURES ------------ 01. Support for MS Visual Studio 2013, Visual C++ 12.0, "vc120" (case 13324) 02. Support for Clang 5 on Mac OS X (case 12926) 03. Pitch Control Center now also displays data rate and not only update rate (case 9386) 04. Web View: display server version on login page (case 11897) 05. Improved handling of system wide license storage on Mac OS X (case 13177) 06. Improved event logging about join progress of federates (case 13397) 07. Clarified warnings message displayed in event log when joining with older LRCs (case 13400) 08. The CRC now performs a connectivity check on joining federates to ensure connectivity on their advertised address. This check can be switched off using the CRC settings text line: CRC.skipConnectivityCheck=true or locally on the LRC using the LRC settings text line: LRC.skipConnectivityCheck=true (case 13306) BUG FIXES --------- 01. Prevent invalid floating-point exceptions when using C++ API from applications that modify the FPU exception mask settings (case 13402). 02. Fixed RTIinternalError with error message "Epsilon is too small" (case 13229). 03. Avoid rare cases of unexplained segmentation fault, caused by native code stack usage running into Java stack guard pages by increase of default Java stack size. The stack size can also be manually increased when needed (case 13335). 04. IEEE 1516 header files override auto_ptr causing problems with LLVM v5.0 (case 12803) 05. Fix intermittend breakdown of the FOM list in Web View (case 13389) 06. Fixed a bug that caused federates to show the wrong LRC version in Web View (case 11980) 07. Plugged potential memory leak in the CRC 08. Prevent going out of memory in Pitch Control Center by limiting the number of retained messages in log 09. Fixed a race condition in Pitch Control Center which caused federate list to become out of sync 10. Accept command-line arguments to pRTI CRC Desktop application 11. Support unsigned int as dimension upper bound (case 290) UPGRADE NOTES ------------- 01. We recommend upgrading all LRC:s connecting to the same CRC. 02. We recommend uninstallation of previous versions of pRTI Evolved (v 4.x) prior to installing this version, due to reorganization of the library and sample directories ################################################################################ Release Notes for Pitch pRTI v OVERVIEW -------- This new major version has seamless multi API support, which means that it supports seamless mixing of federates developed for previous HLA versions with federates developed for HLA Evolved. This version also introduces Pitch Control Center, an application which presents information such as performance data and error messages about federates running on the local computer. In combination with Pitch Control Center, most LRC error conditions are presented in a more user friendly way and with more explaining error messages. NEW FEATURES ------------ 01. Multi API support in the same federation: - federates developed for HLA 1.3 may join federations using .fed files. - federates developed for IEEE 1516-2000 may join federations using IEEE 1516-2000 FOMs. - federates developed for the SISO DLC API may join and create federations using IEEE 1516-2000 FOMs. - federates developed for previous versions of HLA, no longer need a separate adapter settings file, since the settings needed are controlled using regular LRC settings. 02. LRC: Pitch Control Center which displays federate diagnostics and error messages graphically. 03. LRC: pRTI Friendly Errors which is better explained error messages. 04. The pRTI installation library directories have been reorganized to simplify PATH and CLASSPATH settings. 05. LRC: Support for MS Visual Studio 2012 (VC++ 11) in IEEE 1516-2010 API (case 11979). 06. LRC: Improved endpoint name and description in booster networks. Federate name and not federate type is used. 07. CRC automatically reconnects to booster upon lost connection. Online status is shown in console and pRTI Explorer. 08. LRC: Improved error messages in C++ adapters (cases 12227 and 10993). 09. LRC: Reduced performance impact of tracing. 10. Improved trace formatting. 11. Improved LRC Settings UI. 12. Preconfigured federations allow CRC to override which FOM modules to use when creating federation. 13. Accept zip files with FOM modules in calls to create and join 14. Blue (old type) type of USB dongles can now be used for addon-licenses (case 12086). 15. CRC: FOM module view in Web View no longer shows full local path to each FOM-module (case 11965). 16. CRC: The RTI now accepts a zip-file containing FOM-modules as input to create and join calls (case 11676). 17. Timeout when trying to connect to non-existant endpoint in booster network shortened from 3*60 s to 3*2 s (case 11174). 18. Improved error messages in FOM parser. BUG FIXES --------- 01. Unrecognized transportation types in the FOM fall back to HLAreliable or HLAbestEffort. 02. Accept IPv6 addresses in CRC address. 03. Forward declaration of auto_ptr in C++ header files removed since C++ standard doesn't allow it. 04. Fixed a bug where evokeCallback could deliver more than one callback. 05. Fixed a bug where attributeOwnershipDivestitureIfWanted failed to throw ObjectInstanceNotKnown for unknown instance. 06. Plugged memory leak in Web View server (case 11825). 07. Updated install script for green dongles on Linux, since the previous version of the script could sometimes make the dongle usable for root user only (case 12459). 08. Fixed a bug in LRC settings, where an incomplete LRC settings file could make the application disable sections (case 12499). 09. Fixed post-resign race that caused NPE (case 12060). 10. Fixed a bug in web view where the refresh button was hidden behind a status message (case 11745). 11. Added scrollbar to the list of discovered CRCs in Web View (case 11837). 12. Added synchronization to dongle access (case 11867). 13. Fixed rarely seen exception in getCurrentFDD (case 11872). 14. Improved unicode handling in settings files for better support of exotic characters (case 11549). 15. Removed 'name:' prefix from endpoint name in booster networks (case 11148). UPGRADE NOTES ------------- 01. We recommend upgrading all LRC:s connecting to the same CRC. 02. We recommend uninstallation of previous versions of pRTI Evolved (v 4.x) prior to installing this version, due to the reorganization of the library and sample directories ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.5.1.0 OVERVIEW -------- This revision contains some fixes necessary when using Pitch Booster. NEW FEATURES ------------ 01. CRC: Event log saved to file 02. LRC: Rotating trace files that sends trace output to a set of files. The maximum size of each file and the number of files to keep is configurable. BUG FIXES --------- 01. LRC: Fixed a bug causing intermittent encoding errors of best effort messages 02. CRC: Fixed potentital memory leak caused by deleting large amounts of object instances 03. LRC: Better error messages when failing to send messsages to overloaded peers 04. LRC: Fix of bug preventing best effort messages from being received when running in booster mode ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.5.0.0 OVERVIEW -------- This minor release has new features, such as stacked and local licenses, improved network adapter selection, network adapter blacklisting, Web View ability to connect to multiple CRCs and other improvements. It also contains a number of bug-fixes. UPGRADE NOTES ------------- Moving from previous versions, it is required to upgrade both the CRC and the LRCs. NEW FEATURES ------------ 01. LRC+CRC: Improved CRC and LRC adapter setting to accept device name (eth0), description (SonicWall), complete IP address (, and partial IP address (192.168.1). Partial matches are ok if they are unique. 02. LRC: Improved network adapter configuration that avoids DHCP/localhost issues on CentOS and other Linux distributions. (case 11131) 03. LRC: Adapter blacklist feature which allows the LRC to annouce all IP-addresses on the host - accept those blacklisted - to its peers. 04. CRC: New license feature on the CRC, which allows combining multiple pRTI licenses on the CRC and adding their allowed federate count. 05. LRC: New license feature, which allows LRCs to be locally licensed by injecting a license key through the LRC settings. 06. LRC: The federation name, provided by the federate through the API, can now be overridden by a parameter in LRC settings. (See LRC settings, text tab and the paramter named "se.pitch.prti1516e.overrideFederationName") 07. LRC: The list of FOM-modules, provided by the federate through the API, can now be overridden by a parameter in LRC settings. (See LRC settings, text tab and the paramter named "se.pitch.prti1516e.overrideFomModulesForCreate") 08. LRC: The name of the logicaltime implementation used, provided by the federate through the API, can now be overridden by a parameter in LRC settings. (See LRC settings, text tab and the paramter named "se.pitch.prti1516e.overrideLogicalTime") 09. Web View: The Web View server can now connect to multiple CRCs. FUNCTIONAL IMPROVEMENTS ----------------------- 01. pRTI Tracing: space character replaced with underscore in names of generated trace files. (case 10590) 02. pRTI Explorer: The license panel in pRTI Explorer now shows full version. 03. CRC: licenses are now stored in a more appropriate manner on Mac OS X, removing the requirement to run the License Activator Application from a shell script. 04. LRC: Added support for VC90 compiler flag combination "SCL NO ITER" in DLC adapter 05. LRC: Besteffort messages sent across booster networks are now being sent using best effort transportation implementation type on LAN. 06. pRTI Explorer: Time cycle count in GUI 07. LRC: Retain comments and empty lines in settings files 08. pRTI Explorer: The currently used CRC settings file path, is shown in settings panel. (case 11306) PACKAGE IMPROVEMENTS -------------------- 01. Code signed installer and launcher executables for Windows. 02. Code signed installer for Mac OS X. 03. Improved PATH setting done by installer on Windows. Compiler specific environment variables are added, which can be referenced by PATH. This makes it easier switching from one compiler version to another, with regards to PATH setup. 04. Java 7 (u13) JRE is bundled. 05. JRE is bundled for Mac OS X (Java 7u13). 06. Installer avoids using Java Preferences on Mac OS X since it tends to generate error messages on stdout if not successful. 07. Improved documentation of C++ API 08. Fixed an uninstaller bug which sometimes could cause an error message complaining about not being able to uninstall a service. (case 10729) BUG FIXES --------- 01. CRC: License Activator GUI improvements for Gnome. (case 10727) 02. CRC: Fixed a bug that prevented saving of manually edited text properties the CRC settings editor. (cases 10694 and 11282) 03. LRC: Fixed a bug causing the RTI ambassador call getHlaVersion() in Java returned null. (case 11127) 05. LRC: Avoid mixing of cout and wcout in chat c++ sample, since it can cause errors. (case 10695) 06. CRC: MOM interaction HLAreportFederateLost always specified cause as 'Uncontrolled disconnect', even if federate resigned in a controlled manner. (case 10682) 07. pRTI Tracing: Fixed a bug which prevented the top level check boxes from checking/unchecking children, when used on non-Windows platforms. 08. pRTI Explorer: The "known instances" view displayed "Too many to display" for less than 5000 instances. 09. LRC: Fixed intermittent NullPointerException on resign. (case 10760) 10. ALL: Don't fail if generating settings files isn't successful. Show stacktrace and continue. 11. LRC: Fixed a race in callback delivery. If an update was performed immediately after registration then that update could be lost. (case 11283) ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.4.2.0 OVERVIEW -------- This version contains major performance improvements for federations containing many object instances and for federations running across booster networks. UPGRADE NOTES ------------- To achieve the maximum effect of the performance improvements for federations running across booster networks make sure to also upgrade Pitch Booster to v 2.2 or later. NEW FEATURES ------------ 01. Federation name and FOM modules provided by the federate through the API, can now be overridden using LRC settings (case 9591) 02. Support for MSVC++ 9.0 compiler flag combination SECURE_SCL=1 HAS_INTERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 (case 10455) 03. Added preconfigured start script for running the CRC interactively in a terminal, but with no graphical user interface (case 10481) 04. Added sample make file for 64-bit federates on Linux 05. A text file containing version information (versioninfo.txt) is now created in the installation directory by installer. IMPROVEMENTS ------------ 01. Major performance improvement on registration of object instances 02. Major throughput performance improvements in general when using Pitch Booster 03. Enable bundling of object registration messages, improving performance when registering large number of instances 04. Memory consumtion optimizations in CRC for large number of instances 05. Don't display more than 5000 instances in pRTI Explorer 06. When using Pitch Booster, enable more details to be shown in booster network, such as version, vmoptions etc. 07. Adapt names of legacy DLC API libraries to industry standard by adding a "_64" suffix to the names of 64-bit libraries 08. Improved error messages from installer when managing of services fails 09. Improved autodetection of CRCs 10. Chat sample prints RTI-version 11. Check against buffer overrun when decoding in C++ encoding helpers 12. Log entry when restore request fails 13. When using Web View over booster networks, a more detailed endpoint description is supplied BUG FIXES --------- 01. C++ API method rtiVersion() returned incorrect value (case 10270) 02. Fixed a bug in the trace settings file handler, which was not case sensitive enough to work properly on Linux and Mac OS X (case 10339) 03. Fixed a bug in the multipleObjectInstanceNameReservationSucceeded callback causing an assertion failure in C++ federates (case 10466) 04. Fixed a problem in Web View, with choice of CRC over booster network which did not take effect (case 10068) 05. Windows x64 installer bundles 32-bit JRE of version to 1.6.0 u30, which solves some problems caused by the previous bundle (case 10162) 06. Removed misleading information about CRC heartbeat setting in pRTI Explorer (case 10225) 07. Missing switch 'exceptionReporting' in FDD not detected (case 10247) 08. IllegalStateException during restore (case 10316) 09. Fixed a bug in the chat sample preventing API provided LSD to correctly set crcAddress (case 10557) 10. Race condition related to disableCallbacks. One or more callbacks could be delivered during a short time after disableCallbacks was invoked (case 10263) 11. Extra 32-bit installer (intended for Windows 64-bit installations) were bundled also with the 32-bit installer for Windows. 12. Fix of misleading error message in Web View when user destroys federation (case 10540) 13. Fix of a bug in Web View, which could disable the user from inspecting object instances when object instances of a new type is being added (case 10541) 14. FIx of a bug in Web View which could cause the object instance view to stop working for certain object classes (case 10545) ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.4.0.0 OVERVIEW ======== This version of pRTI contains some new major features and performance improvements, along with some bug fixes. The big high lights are: * pRTI Web View, which is a brand new web based user interface for the CRC supporting web browsers on tablets, smart phones and destop PCs. * Improved settings handling and handling of Local Settings Designators (LSDs). An abstract LSD can now be provided as a parameter to the connect-call. The abstract reference can point out a subset of LRC-settings to be used, including which CRC toconnect to. UPGRADE NOTES ============= U01: This version requires that both the Central RTI Component (CRC) and the Local RTI Component(LRC) are updated to version 4.4 due to a protocol update for better performance. NEW FEATURES ============ I01: New improved web based user interface, which works in most web browsers, tablets and smart phones. The new web application can be deployed on local networks as well as across booster networks. I02: New and improved handling of Local Settings Designator (LSD) I03: Improved handling of LRC settings where parts of the LRC settings can be overridden by specific settings referenced by an abstract LSD. The LSD may be set system wide, user wide or federate specific. I04: The LRC settings editor application can automatically detect boosters and CRCs on the local network I05: LRC settings can now override Federation Name and FOM Modules provided by the federate through the API I06: The LRC settings editor has a "text mode" editing tab I07: The LRC settings editor can specify only selected sections (subsets) of the LRC settings I08: The CRC settings editor application can automatically detect boosters on the local network I09: The CRC settings editor has a "pure text" editing tab I11: CRC settings can be saved on user level or on system level. The latter is useful for service mode execution. I12: The user is prompted for a CRC-name upon installation of the CRC I13: CLI command "verify" is now printing file names to help locating problems I14: CLI command "verify" has a new option "-noschema" which makes it verify without schema I15: New CLI command "env" which prints Java environment information in the CRC command line terminal I16: pRTI Explorer now has a "dump" button in the declarations view for each federate, which can be used for retrieving diagnostics information about a federate I17: Easier to specify VM Options for C++ federates, by using a .vmoptions file instead of environment variable. IMPROVEMENTS ============ I18: Optimized performance for the join procedure I19: Optimized performance for the resign procedure I20: Minimized change of Federate IDs on restore I21: Improved resign of dead federates when federates have dead threads or run on sluggish hosts I22: New CRC service wrapper with automatic installation and uninstallation I23: Trace GUI can now edit date format used in trace (case 8519) I24: Improve error message on LRC for invalid network adapter setting (case 6753) I25: Improved DDM-related exception messages I26: Destroying a federation from pRTI Explorer resigns all federates after confirmation I27: Option (se.pitch.prti1516e.LogInvalidUdp=true) to print source for invalid UDP packets (case 6923) I28: Improved documentation about configuring federate projects in MS Visual Studio (case 9341) I29: Reduced loss of UDP data due to buffer versus bundle size issues I30: The default settings values for UDP buffer sizes has been improved BUG FIXES ========= F01: Empty LSDs are supported F02: Attributes were not reflected after ownership transfer (case 9634) F03: Fix memory leak in C++ API for methods that return MessageRetractionHandle, AttributeHandleSet, DimensionHandleSet, string, and RangeBounds (case 9642) F04: Evoke without early return is set to be the default behavior F05: Default save path changed to ${user.home}/prti1516e/savedfeds (case 9397) F06: FOM tree doesn't collapse when changing views in the GUI F07: Avoid OutOfMemory problems when multiple federates try to create the same federation at the same time (case 7160) F08: Prevent invalid floating-point exceptions when using C++ API from applications that modify the FPU exception mask settings (case 9352) F09: Fixed a bug in the license handler, caused by network adapters for virtual machines, which could crash the license activator (case 7185) F10: Fixed a bug in the license handler, where a network interface without a physical address couldn't be scanned for its MAC-address correctly (case 8329) F11: Fixed known port binding issue with mixing Java 6 and Java 7 federates on the same computer, by using separate port ranges (odd and even ports). This behavior can be disabled setting the LRC System property se.pitch.prti1516e.disablePortRestrictions. KNOWN LIMITATIONS ================= K01: Changing Web View booster settings, may sometimes require a restart of the web application server. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.4.0.0 Beta2 OVERVIEW ======== This is a beta release and the first version of pRTI to support the new web based user interface called pRTI Web View. KNOWN LIMITATIONS ================= pRTI Web View does currently not work with Microsoft Internet Explorer ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.3.1.0 OVERVIEW ======== This is a maintenance release, which resolves a couple of issues in version If you are upgrading from version 4.2.x, make sure to also read the notes for version DETAILS ============= D01: Upgrade of bundled booster-plugin, which enables using pRTI with Pitch Booster(tm) version 2.0.x and version 2.1.0. D02: Fix of a bug which, under some circumstances, could cause reflect of attribute values on not yet discovered instances. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.3.0.0 OVERVIEW ======== This version has support for lock free callbacks allowing RTI ambassador calls from within callbacks and performance enhancements. UPGRADE NOTES ============= U01: This version requires that both the Central RTI Component (CRC) and the Local RTI Component(LRC) are updated to version 4.3 due to a protocol update for better performance. U02: Federates written in C++ may in some cases need to be re-compiled when upgrading to this version. The reason for this is further explained under the release note section "Standard C++ API Change" below. FUNCTIONAL IMPROVEMENTS ======================= D01: Lock free callbacks allowing RTI ambassador calls from within callbacks. D02: More optimized handling of TSO message queues. D03: Improved performance through faster join procedure. D04: Decreased memory consumption on both the CRC and LRC. D05: Support for Pitch Web Services Adapter. D06: Support for SISO DLC API. D07: Improved trace format. D08: Better handling of tracing to files on federate hosts. D09: Support for 64-bit C++ federates in the adapter for HLA 1.3 federates. D10: Lollipop-diagram has an improved layout. D11: The CRC name is now displayed in pRTI Explorer. D12: Support for federates developed using MS Visual Studio 2010. PACKAGE IMPROVEMENTS ==================== D13: Adapter for SISO-DLC API included in installation. D14: Adapter for HLA 1.3 included in installation but still separately licensed as an add-on. D15: JavaDoc supplied for the HLA Evolved Java API D16: Support for a new generation USB-dongles (green) with easier installation. D17: Bundle Java SE u 24. D18: Bundle an additional, 32-bit JRE with the 64-bit Windows installation. D19: Optional support for non standard "no_scl" compiler flags for Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0 and 9.0, "no_scl" have the following pre-processor flags set: _SECURE_SCL=0 and _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 D20: DoxyGen documentation supplied for the HLA Evolved C++ API FIXES ===== F01: Fixed OutOfMemory-issue which could be caused by large number of federates trying to create the same federation at the same time. F02: Problems with hirestimer.dll on 64-bit Windows resolved by discontinuing the use of hirestimer. F03: Resolved a problem causing an InvalidObjectException on the CRC during InitiateFederateRestore. F04: Resolved a bug which could case a crash in the LRC settings editor if a network interface was disabled. Standard C++ API Change ======================= In the final days before the IEEE 1516-2010 standard was released, there were some minor changes made to the C++ API. There was a failure of communication and the result was that Pitch released an RTI based on the next-to-last version of the C++ headers. This discrepancy has gone unnoticed until now. Now, pRTI Evolved v4.3 includes these final changes. The change relates to the createFederationExecution method. In the C++ API, this method had a combination of overloads and default parameter values which meant that the C++ compiler couldn’t determine which variant was intended for certain combinations of parameter values. The final change which fixed this problem was to rename the third variation to createFederationExecutionWithMIM. Note that this change does not affect the Java API. This change means that current HLA Evolved federates written in C++ are not compatible with the new DLL. To solve this, you need to recompile your federates using pRTI 4.3. You may also choose to use a provided DLL that still uses the old API. This backwards-compatible DLL is found in the pre-4.3 directory of your pRTI installation. Federates compiled with the new headers will not be compatible with the old DLL. In this case, you will need to update pRTI to version 4.3. All Pitch tools will be updated to use the new headers. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v OVERVIEW ======== This version disables the LRC Monitor GUI since caused an exception on OS X. The GUI can be re-enabled using the settings se.pitch.prti1516e.enableLrcMonitor=true DETAILS ======= D01: Disable LRC Monitor GUI ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v OVERVIEW ======== This version contains small improvements to existing GUIs, e.g. the LRC settings GUI and CRC GUI, as well as adding an LRC Monitor GUI. It also fixes a concurrency issue which caused intermittent ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exceptions. DETAILS ======= D01: Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v OVERVIEW ======== This version has improved performance with regard to memory consumption along with a couple of fixes of issues concerning time managed federations. DETAILS ======= D01: Fix of a bug that could cause the federation to stop advancing in logical time, if one federate were joining while other federates were stepping forward in time. D02: Allow time advance during join D03: Performance improvement by reducing network traffic during join D04: Reduced CRC- and LRC memory consumption in general D05: Proper sorting of object instances in pRTI Explorer D06: Bundling of repeated log messages in event log D07: Java API is now built using JDK 1.6, so Java 5 is no longer supported. D08: Added C++ implementation of the time class LogicalTimeDouble. D09: Fixed a graphics bug in the time graph. This could occur with high time values. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.2.3.0 OVERVIEW ======== This version has support for the final HLA Evolved FOM XML header format with IEEE namespaces as well as the previous format with SISO namespaces. I also contains some bug fixes. DETAILS ======= D01: Improved handling of incomplete FOM-modules. D02: Increased the default memory setting for the CRC from 64m to 256m. D03: Fixed a bug caused by the wrong settings name for disabling loopback mode in LRC settings. D04: Fixed a bug which caused the MOM-attribute HLAfederateName to not automatically update even though auto-provide was turned on. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.2.2.0 OVERVIEW ======== This version adds support for the final HLA Evolved FOM XML header format with IEEE namespaces as well as the previous format with SISO namespaces. It also contains some bug fixes. DETAILS ======= D01: Support for the final HLA Evolved FOM format with IEEE namespaces in the XML header. There is also backwards compatibility with the old header format, with SISO namespaces. D02: Fix of a bug which could cause a repeated delivery of time stamped updates. D03: Support for GCC 4.2 on Mac OS X. D04: Fix if a bug which could cause a deadlock upon LRC shutdown, if best effort traffic had been used. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.2.1.1 OVERVIEW ======== This sub revision adds experimental support for MS Visual Studio 2010. DETAILS ======= D01: Support for 32- and 64-bit federates developed using MS Visual Studio 2010. Both the IEEE 1516-2010 API and the IEEE 1516-2000 API (Evolved Adapter) are supported. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.2.1.0 OVERVIEW ======== This is maintenance release which resolves some minor issues in the previous version 4.2.0. DETAILS ======= D01: Fixed an bug where a C++ federate crashed if callback threw FederateInternalError. D02: Fixed a problem where getAutomaticResignDirective failed after save/restore. D03: Fixed assertion in C++ API, federationSaveStatusResponse, federationRestoreStatusResponse, listFederationExecutions. D04: Fixed a bug generating a ServiceConfigurationError when connecting and joining in different C++ threads. D05: The attribute column in the object instances view of pRTI Explorer could not be widened. This has been fixed. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.2.0.0 OVERVIEW ======== This is the first official release of Pitch pRTI Evolved for the final IEEE 1516-2010 standard. It also contains a number of general improvements and fixes. UPGRADE NOTES ============= * We recommend using FOM-modules converted by Visual OMT 1516 v 1.6 or later. * When using other Pitch tools with this version of Pitch pRTI, the following versions or later is required: - Pitch Commander v 2.2.0 - Pitch Recorder v 1.4.0 - Pitch Developer Studio v 2.1.0 - Pitch Evolved Adapter for HLA 1.3 Federates v 1.1.0 - Pitch GE Adapter v 1.4.0 DETAILS ======= D01: Implements HLA IEEE 1516-2010, a.k.a. "HLA Evolved". D02: Throughput performance has been improved when sending receive order updates and interactions over a Booster network. D03: If a federate joins without a federate name, a name based on the federate type and a sequential number is created by the RTI. D04: The IP-address used for UDP can now be controlled by user settings similar to IP-address used for TCP. D05: Fixed a bug in the license input confirmation dialog which could display the wrong number of federates. D06: Automatic disconnect upon destruction of the FederateAmbassador object preventing callbacks to deleted FederateAmbassador. D07: Memory and thread usage has been further optimized. D08: Fixed an issue with binding UDP ports on Windows 7. D09: Improvement of the time graph in pRTI Explorer. D10: Improved error message when a federate tries to load a bad FDD. D11: Clicking on a federate in the lollipop diagram displays the federate details. D12: Fix of a memory leak on disconnect() D13: LRC Exceptions are now reported in the Event log. D14: Updated User's Guide for latest for IEEE 1516-2010. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI Evolved v4.1.1.0 Beta OVERVIEW ======== This upgrade implements the final version of the IEEE 1516-2010 APIs. This has the following effects on federates developed for previous versions of pRTI Evolved: * FOM-files need to be adjusted for the final version of the standard. Replace "2009" with "2010" in the XML-header or use Pitch Visual OMT v 1.5.3 or later for conversion. * Minor changes has been introduced in the APIs, so federates need to be recompiled with minor code changes. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v4.1.0.0 RC 2 OVERVIEW ======== This is a minor upgrade from RC 1. It adds support for Mac OS X and resolves a couple of FOM module related issues. D1: Installer and libraries for Mac OS X are now available. D2: Improved handling of FOM modules with regard to scaffolding. D3: Improved handling of initialization problems in the CRC. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v4.1.0.0 RC 1 OVERVIEW ======== This is the first version of pRTI for HLA Evolved with the capability to run over Pitch Booster. D1: CRC and federates can communicate using Pitch Booster. D2: CRC-setting added for Booster settings. D3: CRC-settings graphical editor for Booster settings added. D4: LRC-settings and graphical editor have been modified to suite new Booster settings. D5: A bug regarding encoding of message retraction handles have been resolved in the C++ API. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v4.0.0.0 Pre-Release 3r3 OVERVIEW ======== This is a minor upgrade of Pre-Release 3 described below. This version solves a couple of issues regarding LRC settings, HLA Standard MIM and Linux C++ samples. D1: Correction of data type in HLA standard MIM. D2: Fix of bug causing the LRC GUI to crash. D2: Fix of packaging where pre-compiled binaries for Linux samples were excluded. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v4.0.0.0 Pre-Release 3r2 OVERVIEW ======== This is a minor upgrade of Pre-Release 3 described below. This version solves a couple of issues regarding merging of FOM-modules and the Web GUI. D1: Resolved an issue where FOM module adding upon join could result in class handle inconsistencies. D2: Resolved an issue with class references causing an error in the Web GUI. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v4.0.0.0 Pre-Release 3 OVERVIEW ======== This is the third pre-release of the new major version 4 of Pitch pRTI which is designed for the HLA Evolved standard. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ==================== G1: The HLA Evolved standard APIs has gotten some minor modifications which has been implemented in this version. G2: More HLA Evolved specific services has been implemented. G3: This version also adds support for adapters for HLA 1516-2000 and HLA 1.3. G4: Adapter libraries for HLA 1516-2000 has been added to the installation. G5: A separate license activator application has been added to support installation "as admin" and execution "as user". KNOWN LIMITATIONS ================= L1: Save and Restore are not supported in this version, but will be in upcoming releases. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v4.0.0.0 Alpha 4 OVERVIEW ======== This is the second pre-release of the new major version 4 of Pitch pRTI. The latest versions of the HLA Evolved standard APIs has been implemented in this version. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v4.0.0.0 Alpha 3 OVERVIEW ======== This is a pre-release of the new major version 4 of Pitch pRTI. The major new feature is that pRTI v 4 implements the new version of the HLA 1516 standard, IEEE 1516-2009, also known as HLA Evolved. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v3.2.2.0 OVERVIEW ======== This minor release of pRTI 1516 adds support for Pitch Web Based Licensing System, by enabling licenses to be locked on MAC-addresses and host-ID:s. IMPORTANT NOTE ============== When using Pitch 1516 Adapter with this version of pRTI 1516, the 1516 Adapter must be of version 1.7.4 or higher. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ==================== G1: Licensing support for locking to MAC-address or host-ID depending on platform. DETAILS ======= D1: getOctetBoundary() returned the value 4 for HLAfloat64BE. This has been fixed. D2: Fixed a bug that prevented dropping of incoming best effort messages after timeout. D3: Fixed a bug that under some circumstances could cause a NullPointerException in the reliable packet handler. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v3.2.1.0 OVERVIEW ======== This release of pRTI 1516 includes enhancements such as support for Pitch Web Services Connector, along with some bug fixes and enhancements. IMPORTANT NOTE ============== When using Pitch 1516 Adapter with this version of pRTI 1516, the 1516 Adapter must be of version 1.7.4 or higher. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ==================== G1: Support for the add-on product, Pitch Web Services Adapter, has been added. G2: pRTI 1516 User's Guide has been updated. G3: This version uses a separate versioning system for the communication protocol, which will enable component compatibility with future maintenance release versions. DETAILS ======= D1: Fixed a bug that caused evoke-functions to return true if there were TSO-messages qued but not yet ready for delivery. D2: Improved error handling when the LRC cannot resolve the CRC-host. D3: Processing of messages received by a federate that is in the process of but has not completely joined is now postponed instead of discarded. D4: Fixed a bug that in some cases could cause intermittent object discovery failures. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v3.2.0.0 OVERVIEW ======== This release of pRTI 1516 includes more advanced features along with some bug fixes. IMPORTANT NOTE ============== When using Pitch 1516 Adapter with this version of pRTI 1516, the 1516 Adapter must be of version 1.7.4 or higher. INSTALLATION KIT ================ I1: The default settings-file for the CRC has now an explicit option for using New-IO (NIO) set to true. The use of NIO enhances performance. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ==================== G1: Graphical User interface for trace settings has been added. G2: An advanced heartbeat feature has been added which enables the CRC sense crashed federates. G3: Tracing has been improved, providing more precise logs. DETAILS ======= D1: LRC port range settings in LRC-GUI were ignored. This problem has been fixed. D2: Some methods were not exported in the VC6 library. This problem has been fixed. D3: One method were not exported in the GCC 4.0 library. This problem has been fixed. D4: Port starvation caused by small port-ranges are now handled in a controlled manner. D5: New federates are added to sync point group before discovery is enabled in order to avoid clearing of SP when federates are pending. D6: Fixed a problem that could cause deadlocks on the federate by calling requestAttributeValueUpdate for HLAFedeate. D7: Added dialog-prompt for closing of pRTI Explorer window. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v3.1.9.2 OVERVIEW ======== This revision of pRTI 1516 solves problems with running the web-GUI using JRE 1.4. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v3.1.9.1 OVERVIEW ======== This release of pRTI 1516 addresses some issues and bug fixes. Many of them relates to the C++ API. INSTALLATION KIT ================ I1: When installing with JRE, v1.5.0_06 is installed. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ==================== G1: An entry is added to event-log when an LRC of incorrect version tries to connect to RTIexec. G2: A message-box alerts when 'Check for update' fails on Linux, instead of stack trace in console. DETAILS ======= D1: The NormalizedTime and NormalizedInterval Java-interfaces have been made public allowing users to implement their own time classes. D2: Time-stamped messages caused a busy-wait in tick loop, slowing down the federation. This is fixed. D3: Fixed intermittent exception ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in HandleHelper during high activity. D4: Fixed a bug causing ConcurrentModificationException in LRC. D5: Fixed a bug that caused NullPointerException on RTIexec. D6: A check preventing that null is used as attribute values or parameter values on AttributeHandleValueMap and ParameterHandleValueMap. D7: A problem that caused exceptions not to be handled when thrown by C++ federates within callback was solved by improved handling of C++ exceptions. D8: A C++ assertion was generated in the reflectAttributeValues() callback if the tag parameter was non-empty. This is fixed and only affected C++ federates. D9: Fixed a memory leak in the C++ API that consumed a small amount of Java memory on certain RTIambassador methods. Eventually, this could cause an OutOfMemoryError. D10: Fixed a problem where creating an RTIambassador failed after a failed attempt to connect to RTIexec. This only affects C++ federates. D11: Fixed a bug in the C++ API which could cause an assertion failure when using the debug library. This bug appeared when providing a user supplied tag when updating attribute values. The assertion did not occur in the release library but a side-effect of the bug was that the orderType parameter was always RECEIVE and the transportationType parameter was always BEST_EFFORT in the reflectAttributeValues callback. D12: Fixed a bug which caused a runtime exception to be thrown by C++ federates under certain conditions. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v3.1.1 OVERVIEW ======== This is a minor release of pRTI 1516 which addresses some issues with the installer and includes some performance optimizations as well as a number of smaller bug fixes. INSTALLATION KIT ================ I1: Reboot no longer required after installation. I2: Some missing references chapter 16 of the User's Guide have been corrected. I3: Bookmarks have been added to the User's Guide to make navigation in easier. I4: ChatCC Makefile has been fixed to work correctly on Linux. I5: A default pRTI1516.logging file is now included with the logging turned off as default. I6: The Chat federates have been improved and now provide an initial prompt for the CRC host address. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ==================== G1: By default pRTI is now tuned for high throughput, previously the default tuning was for low latency. G2: Improved performance in save/restore on CRC. DETAILS ======= D1: Fixed a typo in a error message generated in the C++ library which referenced prti.jar D2: Fixed a bug in the FOM parser which caused the parser to hang if the FOM was invalid. D3: Fixed a bug which caused problems when calling some toString() methods on various handle classes in C++. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v3.1.0 OVERVIEW ======== This release of pRTI 1516 has achieved a number of certifications and also includes a number of minor bug fixes as well as new performance tuning capabilities. UPGRADING NOTES =============== If you are upgrading from a previous version of pRTI 1516, uninstall the previous installation before upgrading. Also, you will be required to re-enter you license key after the installation is complete and you start pRTI 1516 v3.1.0 for the first time. INSTALLATION KIT ================ I1: The Java virtual machine which is provided with the installation of pRTI 1516 has been upgraded to version 1.5.0_05 for improved performance. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ==================== G1: Recently passed DMSO certification for HLA IEEE 1516 compliance. G2: Recently passed Microsoft certification for Windows XP and 2003 Server compliance. G3: Multicast loopback can be disabled throught LRC Settings GUI. G4: Advanced tuning added to reduce total thread count. G5: Added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (GCC 3.4). G6: Improved multicast performance. DETAILS ======= D1: Fix a bug with announcement of pending synchronization points. D2: Fixed a bug which could cause problems during join. D3: Fixed bug which could cause an exception to be thrown when resigning from a federation with a large number of federates. D4: Fixed bug when CRC settings file was missing. D5: Fixed bug when LRC settings file was incomplete. D6: Fixed bug in LRC settings GUI which caused some settings to not be saved. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v3.0.0 OVERVIEW ======== This version of pRTI 1516 provide a large number of improvements. Mayor additions include the new web enabled graphical user interface, enhanced networking capabilities, shared memory support using ScramNet GT hardware. New Version Numbering Scheme ============================ As of this version of pRTI 1516 a new product version numbering scheme has been adopted. The new scheme has the format X.Y.Z, where X is the major version, y is the release version and z is the maintenance version. Increments in X and Y indicate core pRTI changes while increments in Z can indicate improvements in the installer, example federates etc. as well as minor fixes in pRTI. New Installation Structure on Windows ===================================== The pRTI 1516 jar file has been moved from the \jre\lib\ext subdirectory of the pRTI 1516 installation directory to the \lib directory. The jar file (prti15.jar) has also been added to the CLASSPATH environment variable. This has been done to allow the user to more easily specify which Java virtual machine to use. See the installation chapter in the User's Guide for information on how to do this. UPGRADING NOTES =============== All pRTI 1516 related files, e.g. license file, settings files etc. are now saved in the prti1516 directory of the users home directory. On Windows this is normally "C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\prti1516". If you are upgrading from a previous version of pRTI 1516, you will need to re-enter your license key when starting pRTI 1516 or copy the prti1516.license file from you users home directory to the prti1516 directory. INSTALLATION KIT ================ I1: It is now easier and less error prone to download and install pRTI 1516 using a web installer. I2: The graphical installer is now available for Solaris with C++ support for Forte 6 Update 2. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ==================== G1: The pRTI Explorer can now be access through a standard web browser allowing access to its rich set of information to remote users. This provides all participants in a federation with the ability to utilize the features of the CRC GUI to ease the deployment and debugging of their federates. G2: Support for Advertised IP, i.e. the ability to advertise an IP address other than the federates actual IP address or a DNS name to the CRC. This enables federates operating behind NAT to successfully connect to the CRC and other federates that are using public IP addressing scheme. G3: Advanced network tuning algorithms have been added to pRTI 1516, see the User's Guide for more details. G4: The LRC Settings GUI has been enhanced to support the new network tuning algorithms added to pRTI 1516. G5: Support for the DIS Adapter, allowing the reuse of DIS simulation in HLA 1516 federations. G6: An error dialog is now shown if pRTI 1516 is unable to open port 8989 (e.g. if another instance of pRTI is already running). G7: The version panel in the pRTI Explorer now contains a "Check version" button. Clicking this will check if any new versions of pRTI are available from the Pitch website. G8: Service Mode support added for Windows and Linux. DETAILS ======= D1: Optimized tick (evokeMultipleCallbacks & evokeCallback) performance. D2: Optimized DDM performance. D3: Fixed a bug that could cause a IllegalStateException to be thrown when logging to a file. D4: All Maps and Sets now implement the clone() interface correctly. D5: Fixed a bug that left a synchronization points in GUI in certain cases. The GUI now displays old (achieved) synchronization points with the suffix "old". D6: Fixed a bug which could cause a ConcurrentModification exception if to many federates joined or resigned from a federation simultaneously. D7: pRTI 1516 now uses an extended syntax for specifying the CRC host. The syntax is now :
, e.g. tcp: This has been added to support the use of ScramNet distributed shared memory. D8: Fixed a bug which cause problems with multicast on hosts with multiple network interface cards. KNOWN ISSUES ============ K1: When uninstalling pRTI 1516 on Windows, the uninstaller doesn't remove the pRTI entries from the PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables. K2: The PATH is setup to point to the C++ bindings for Visual Studio .NET, if you wish to use the Visual Studio 6.0 libraries, you'll need to modify the PATH environment variable manually. K3: When running pRTI 1516 as a service for the first time, the displays shows that the service started correctly which is incorrect. This is a licensing issue, see the User's Guide how to fix this. K4: If the CLASSPATH exists as a user environment variable it overrides the system environment variable CLASSPATH which is required by pRTI 1516. K5: When accessing the web GUI with the URL http://localhost:8080 with the Mozilla browser, the web server doesn't recognize the login credentials. K6: When selecting "Check for Updates..." on the Linux and Solaris platforms an exception can be thrown if Netscape isn't found. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v2.3 r2 DETAILS ======= D1: Fixed bug in evokeMultipleCallbacks which generated no callbacks when lower-limit clock-time was set to 0.0. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v2.3 OVERVIEW ======== This release further enhances the graphical user interface of the CRC and now also provides a graphical interface for the LRC settings. This version also provides support for the new and upcoming 1516 Adapter from Pitch. With this new add-on, legacy HLA 1.3 federates can participate in a HLA 1516 federations without any modifications. Visual Studio .NET C++ bindings are now also included with the pRTI 1516. UPGRADING NOTES =============== If you are upgrading from an older version of pRTI 1516, your old license key will be invalid. Please contact your pRTI 1516 supplier to obtain a valid license key. INSTALLATION KIT ================ I1: The sample C++ and Java chat federates have been given a more consistent look & feel. I2: The Java chat federate now registers object instances and updates attribute values. I3: The Test federate has been added which allows you to perform most of the HLA 1516 API calls. This has been ported from the Test Federate found in Frederick Kuhl's book "Creating Computer Simulation Systems" and is provided as is. I4: The pRTI 1516 Javadocs have been added. I5: The manual has been updated to reflect the changes in mainly the CRC GUI and the chat federates. I6: .NET C++ libraries are now included in the installation. I7: Debug libraries are now included for the C++ bindings (both Visual Studio 6.0 and Visual Studio .NET versions) GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ==================== G1: A new start panel has been added to the CRC GUI which provides a better overview. G2: A FOM viewer had been added to the CRC GUI. You can now inspect the FOM used during a federation execution during run-time. G3: An event log viewer has been added to the CRC GUI. G4: It is now possible to shutdown the RTIexec from the CRC GUI. G5: The first federation that is created is now auto shown in the CRC GUI. G6: More logical visualization of the Trace tree. The parent checkbox now reflects the state of the individual method checkboxes. G7: A new LRC GUI has been added that allows you to change the LRC settings through a graphical interface. G8: The pRTI now gives a notification if the CRC port is already taken. G9: C++ performance improvements. G10: The CRC can now be run as a Windows service. DETAILS ======= D1: Fixed a bug that caused the pRTI to throw a NullPointerException in FederateAmbassadorC when trying to reflect time-stamped attributes. D2: Fixed a bug in the C++ API that caused setRangeBounds to fail. D3: Fixed a bug that caused problems when multiple ownership exchanges where attempted. KNOWN ISSUES ============ KI1: The ZoneAlarm Firewall has been reported to cause packet loss under high load over loopback adapter. ################################################################################ Release Notes for pRTI 1516 v2.1 Modified C++ API according to the 1516 interpretations version 2. See separate document. Minor modifications to the Java API according to the 1516 interpretations version 2. See separate document. Supports modified MOM according to the 1516 interpretations version 2. See separate document Flexible and configurable networking settings and graphical user interface. See the User's Guide. Settings now stored in the files pRTI1516LRC.settings and pRTI1516CRC.settings. See Users Guide. Extended and rewritten Users Guide. Java sample federate now registers an object. ################################################################################